Thursday, May 3, 2012

Death represents the ultimate mystery of life. Facing death, whether our own or that of a loved one or friend, is often fraught with fear, anxiety, denial, anger, regret and confusion. As we face our own mortality or that of a loved one, we face ultimate questions; we seek assurance; we need comfort, care and compassion.

Spiritual Care
Pastoral Counseling
at the 
End of Life

is a ministry of presence for people facing the end of life that provides a non-sectarian, compassionate, non-judgmental and loving presence for persons struggling with questions about their own death, people struggling with the impending or actual death of a loved one and for care givers who often approach death with anxiety and fear themselves.

Rev. Bob Matthews, an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ, brings this compassionate presence to end of life situations through this ministry.

I am an experienced hospital chaplain and local parish minister.  I have many years of experience working in acute care hospitals, care facilities for the elderly and those facing terminal illness and in homes with critically ill and dying adults, adolescents, children, and infants as well as with their families and care givers.